Hey! My name is Sarah, I’m an immigrant from Brazil, and after moving to San Diego, I found my passion for art. Down here, I run a clothing brand with my life partner, as well as a skateboarding nonprofit.
I live in sunny Ocean Beach in my van with my partner & my kitty. My favorite things are skating in the outdoors, yummy vegan food & community. Working on becoming the best version of myself every day.
Can you tell us a bit about your passions beyond “work”?
I am the chapter leader of a nonprofit. We’re based off OB, & our mission is to offer a safe space for queer, women, trans & non-binary folks to learn to skateboard. We’re building a beautiful grassroots community, and I’m beyond passionate about that. It’s insanely personal to me to have a place where people can come and know they are free to be themselves. Know they’ll feel support, so I feel very fortunate.
Do you find that these passions blend, merge, or complement your work?
My work, the nonprofit, passions, and fun are all intertwined & that’s what’s key to the life I’m creating for myself. Creating my own version of success every day.

What are your materials and how do you think about them?
I run a clothing brand with my life partner. We upcycle garments that would otherwise get disposed of, ending up in our landfills. We find our textiles at thrift stores, going through bags of donated clothing that our customers drop off to us, we dumpster dive. We’ve found stacks of over 35 flannels straight in the dumpster, heading to our landfills & oceans. I think of my materials as regenerative.
Is there a specific moment in life or a series of events that instilled in you a passion for your craft or passions?
Learning about the ongoing, continuous detrimental impact the fashion industry has in the environment. And the lifelong passion for freedom of expression through clothing.
A key ingredient to building a sustainable future?
Patience & perseverance. Trust that everything is unfolding as it should. The universe doesn’t care about your timing. Rest assured everything you want is coming your way.

A book that shaped your life?
The Body Keeps The Score.
Who inspires you today?
Nature, my partner, my mother. Any badass queer entrepreneur out there. The ocean. People living their truths. I’m truly inspired by being alive & everything that comes with it.
Any big moments of Zen in the outdoors?
I start my mornings by the cliffs in OB. Vanlife has reminded me of just how much clearer I feel when I set my intentions just in the morning, especially outdoors. A good stretch & journaling are all I need to take on the day.
What do you do when you get out and away from the office/lab?
Any time I’m not creating, I’m outside. I like to skateboard, surf, lay up & tan. I’m also currently learning to play bass and to sing!! Traveling around this beautiful earth is what keeps me sane, though.

Do you have a mantra?