Hello! My name is Trevor Port, and I’m the Founder/Designer behind Keep Earth Around, a multidisciplinary design studio that works to elevate Mother Nature’s voice through Earth-friendly visuals and messaging. I’m 30 years old, and am from San Diego and currently living here.
Tell me more about your relationship with public lands. What do they mean to you?
Public lands and the outdoors were a huge part of my upbringing. I had the privilege of being introduced to our public lands at an early age. The mountains/coastlines we visited and experiences learned out in these places really shaped me into the person I am today. My parents instilled in me a deep respect and appreciation for the opportunity to get to interact with and learn from our precious ecosystems — nature being something we give back to and look out for in our daily actions. As cliche as it sounds, the outdoors became my home-away-from-home, and I’m extremely grateful for those experiences.

How has learning about the environment impacted your actions?
Learning about the environment has had a huge impact on my actions, both on a daily basis and in regard to my intended field of work. With the environment an integral part of my childhood it fostered in me a sense of curiosity and stewardship that really helped me understand how beneficial each of our individual actions can be.
It can be pretty overwhelming these days; doom scrolling and seeing all the environmental injustice going on in the world. I’ve found that focusing on my individual actions and putting into practice ways that I can give back to this planet and leave the environment better than I found it (picking up trash when visiting the beach, utilizing reusable items, starting a small garden, staying on the trail when hiking, etc.) helps put the focus on the good and boundless potential we possess in being stewards of Mother Earth.
What can concerned athletes, scientists, artists, or creatives do in the face of global challenges?
Personally, I think community is the biggest part of creating lasting and positive change, especially in the face of global challenges.
What athletes, scientists, artists, and creatives alike, all have in common is a community dedicated to the work/career they are a part of. If they are able to collaborate and come together in their immediate community with like-minded individuals passionate about global challenges, that creates a sense of accomplishment right out of the gates. It creates an opportunity for action and inspiration from those directly surrounding them, providing opportunities for listening, learning, and broadening perspectives.

How important is mitigating climate change to your life?
Mitigating climate change is massively important in my life, as undoubtedly, it will be one of the biggest, if not biggest, issues our generation and future generations to come will face. If we can do the work now and help tackle climate change with feasible and inclusive action, there truly is hope for the children of this world to be able to enjoy and feel a sense of belonging to the beauty of nature - instead of something they feel disconnected from.
In creating Keep Earth Around, my aim is to provide approachable visuals which initiate conversations on topics surrounding the environment. If that art comes in front of the eyes of even just one individual that wasn’t familiar with the topic, and as a result cultivates a curiosity in them to learn more about it…I’m beyond grateful.
Similarly, I strongly think caring for the planet begins, and cannot exist, without having personal experiences with those outdoor spaces. In order to have a passion-filled sense of stewardship and responsibility in looking out for nature, we have to have personal and learned experiences from it.
Climate change mitigation is something we see large corporations really struggle with in “doing their part” and in following through on their climate mitigation claims. And behind all these corporations, still are individuals, like you and I, making the decisions — if they have no connection and relationship with nature, what makes us think they’ll feel a responsibility to care for it?
Can you tell us a bit about your passions beyond “work”?
It’s funny, because in thinking about my passions beyond “work” I’ve realized that my passions are pretty synonymous to the work I’m a part of, in a good way though, haha.
Outside of work, I’m a lover of being outside. Whether it’s learning about the land that I live on and the indigenous communities/original stewards of this land through hiking the local trails with my dog, Scout, or learning about the effect of plastics on beaches through sunset swims in the ocean — the older I’ve gotten the more I’ve realized it truly is all connected.

Do you find that these passions blend, merge, or complement your work?
110% they do! If it weren’t for my passions and enjoyment of the outdoors through activity, I wouldn’t be able to see the real-time effects of the environmental mistreatment that is going on. It inspires me to create and bring these topics to light, which so many awesome individuals are doing as well.
As touched upon above, having that first-hand experience with the land really does allow you to care deeper and more intricately. Plus, being outdoors always fuels creativity! So that’s always a refresher to log off and get some inspiration from nature, then try to find ways to integrate it into the digital realm of art and visuals.
How do you give back to your community or to the underserved?
Giving back to the community is something I definitely look to integrate into my creative work as well as through my passions outside of work. With each collection of goods sold through Keep Earth Around, it’s a priority to give back to communities in need or organizations doing awesome work in the sphere of Earth care. By donating a portion of proceeds from the sustainable goods we release, we’re able to move transition outside our immediate community and support a positive cause or group of people who need an extra hand.
Outside of work, my daily trips with the pup to the beach or local trails usually turn into a mini trash clean up, haha. Filling a small bag of trash found or stuffing litter into pockets is so easy and is the least I can be doing while out recreating in the outdoors. It’s a small act, but I think it really can add up. Leave it better than you found it, ya know!
At the end of the day, why do you do your craft? Are there goals ahead, a constant love for the process, or a yearning to learn more?
At the end of the day, I create to provide a better future for our planet and for generations yet to come. My hope is that the art inspires one to act and learn more about their natural world. As I plan to release a few products here and there, it’s a priority of mine to offer sustainable options so that they have the least amount of impact on the planet.
While I’m far from perfect in this realm, I hope to constantly be learning from others, paving the way, and continually work to improve my practices, producing items only from that which is requested and in the process from recycled or regenerative + organic materials.

A key ingredient to building a sustainable future?
Community, community, community. That’s the key + being accepting of the idea that daily change really can affect the global scale when the culmination of efforts are combined.
A book that shaped your life?
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. I’d recommend this book to any and everyone! Robin speaks with conviction and with an approachability to understanding the outdoors and the indigenous communities who have and still are the original stewards of Mother Earth. She speaks of reciprocation for that which has been provided to us by nature, as well as a practice of mindfulness when having the environment in mind. Truly love her work and I find it influencing my actions on a daily basis.
Who inspires you today?
My biggest inspiration is Nature, through and through. Even with all that is going on, there is so much beauty to be seen in this world. Even if that means just stepping outside and going for a walk around the block and breathing in the oxygen created by our plant neighbors.
I feel most inspired outdoors, developing an understanding and compassion for species outside our own and as a result, integrating our species back into the mix of nature, and not something apart from it. The youth of today is really doing an amazing job of prioritizing environmental stewardship and connecting back to our natural roots. By no means is it their responsibility to tackle the climate crisis, but dang, they sure are facing it head-on and with such an influential spirit. Inspiring to say the least.
Most sublime moment in nature?
The pure bliss of floating weightless in the Pacific Ocean or pure solitude while hiking out in the Eastern Sierra.

Who taught you something significant?
My parents — 1.) Leave it better than you found it 2.) The good old Golden Rule: Treat others how you wish to be treated. Both of these have really stuck with me, and I’ve found are significant really in every aspect of life.
How can the outdoor industry change?
It’s been amazing to see a plethora of outdoors companies pushing for positive change through their reshaping their business practices. Accessibility to and equal representation of all individuals in the outdoors, in regards to race • color • gender identity and expression • disability • national origin • age is a crucial component of making the outdoors a safe and welcome space f or all.
We’re all citizens of the same planet and communion in nature should never feel like something exclusive to certain individuals. Creating accessibility to the outdoors by companies/brands allows individuals who might not have ever felt comfortable pursuing a passion outdoors to now identify with others like them and support messaging and visuals they align with throughout the industry. I think we’re still a ways to go, but it’s so neat to see movements of brands and individuals coming together to not only prioritize sustainable and ethical production but also create space for all in the outdoors.
Do you have a mantra?
Here at Keep Earth Around, we think of it as — Planet-Friendly Visuals, for the Peace-Seeking Individual.